The ministry of Holy Bible Faith Center began in June of 1989.   It was founded upon the solid Truth of the Word of God.  The ministry focuses on the Great Commission, which is to win souls to Jesus Christ through the preaching and teaching of the Word of God with strong emphasis upon the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the importance of being filled with the precious Holy Spirit.

Holy Bible Faith Center believes that EVERY person has spiritual gifts and a calling from God "according as He has chosen us in Him, before the foundation of the world" (Ephesians 1:4).  To exercise these gifts within the spiritual call of God the Believer should have a good, working knowledge of Scripture.

Therefore, this ministry is a ministry of "DISCIPLESHIP" which means 'grass  roots' basics that are essential to spiritual "GROWTH".  These basics are taught to the Believer, especially the new Christian who is a babe in Christ, that they be no longer children tossed to and fro, but grow up in Christ, rightly dividing the word of Truth.

We are a ministry which believes in equipping the saints of God
with the Word of God.
Please Join us on Sundays for
Sunday School @ 9:00 AM
BTU @ 6:00 PM
Wednesday @ 7:30 PM